What! You have a brain injury?

As I mentioned in my first post, I had stopped posting for a very long time. My fabulous webmaster Dan, owner of cheramycreative kept telling me that I needed to add a blog to my new, updated website design. I gave him a hard time & he ignored me, which was really smart.


Anyway, writing a blog to me really puts it out there & is out there forever, like it is for anyone. Did I want to write about my neurological challenges? No. Those without knowledge of what it means to have a brain injury can think all kinds of things. Isn’t that true of all things human? If you aren’t living with or have exposure to a person with neurological challenges, the unknown can be frightening. It’s no different for the person living with those same neurological challenges.

How am I different? What has happened & will continue to happen as time goes on? Well, here I will investigate, discover & live the journey of those of us living with a different brain. I hope you will follow me on this journey with an open mind. Open mind, or any kind of mind for that matter.